Sunday, July 21, 2013

Amaizingly Sweet Corn

Summers in southern  Louisiana  bring the heat, humidity … and gorgeous bounties from the garden: luscious  Creole tomatoes; crisp & juicy corn; sweet watermelon. I can’t seem to get enough Creole tomatoes this year – so incredibly good!

A sometimes perk of being a food blogger is being solicited to sample products and write about them. I have never accepted those offers – till now. Why? Because this time I was asked to sample a new sweet corn to be sold at Rouses stores in the New Orleans area. 

According to it's web page, Amaize sweet corn is the "brain child of George Crookham and Bruce Hobdey. The pair began working on perfecting the taste and texture of Amaize sweet corn in 1989 after experiencing a type of corn with a crunch and a pop that differentiated itself from the textures of other corns, which tended to get mushy when cooked. In the 22 year development period, the duo tested well over 10,000 variations of corn and perfected the best sweet corn you’ll ever taste – Amaize sweet corn!"

Recently, I received 4 ears of corn (for free) from Amaize. That same evening, I shucked the corn and placed the ears in a pot of boiling water for about 5 minutes, turned the fire off, and let the corn sit in the hot water a few more minutes. After we slathered the ears with butter, we dove in.

The corn is crisp, plump, sweet & juicy – in other words, simply perfect! Some friends like corn on the cob uncooked. Corn has to be very fresh and juicy for me to like it that way.  Amaize sweet corn is so sweet and crisp, it would be good uncooked, too.

The grower for the New Orleans market is WP Rawl, based in South Carolina. Here is their website:

Amaize sweet corn is available exclusively at Rouses stores in the New Orleans area. Go get ya some – before the season is over! 

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